Parenting Great Kids with Dr. Meg Meeker

Episode 183-"The Importance of the Father in his Baby’s Life" Guest: Roland Warren

Episode Summary

Using his own life experiences, Roland and his girlfriend at the time, decided to keep their unplanned pregnancy while attending Princeton together. Facing unplanned pregnancies can be difficult and when offered an abortion immediately can make if more difficult. Roland took the initiative to support her by getting married and offering to be there and provide for their family. Roland has been at Care Net for the past 10 years. He has partnered with Dr. Tony Evans to start discipleship teams within churches.

Episode Notes

Some topics covered:

 • Care Net is the largest evangelical network of pregnancy centers.

 • Jesus birth is an example of how an unplanned pregnancy brought a family together.

 • Provide workshops for fathers called, Dr. Dad – Infant and Toddler Health and Safety. Well child, sick child, safe    

   child and injured child.

 • There are 400,000+ churches in the US.  There are 3500 pregnancy centers nationwide.  If 1% of them viewed life  

   issues as discipleship issues, we would have 

   more people coming alongside the pregnancy centers, and they would multiply. 

 • Missing a support system leads more people towards abortion.

Find out more about Roland Warren at:


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