Parenting Great Kids with Dr. Meg Meeker

Episode 179-"Helping Teens Overcome Self-Defeating Thoughts" Guest: Jon Acuff

Episode Summary

What we constantly think and say about ourselves can be passed down to generations. If our thoughts are critical and self-sabotaging, we may see those same negative mindsets repeated in our children, especially our teens. In this episode, best-selling author Jon Acuff joins Dr. Meg, sharing how choosing to have positive mindsets, and teaching our teens to do the same, can literally change the trajectory of our lives.

Episode Notes


Name something you want to do and then write down your first thoughts… Are they positive and encouraging? Or negative and self-critical? How we speak to and about ourselves is vitally important – not only to ourselves, but also to future generations. Our teenagers are watching us, listening to us – What we do, what we say, what we believe, how we act. A parent’s view of anything, and how we speak about it, can instill either positivity or negativity in our teens. The good news is that we get to choose our thoughts, and our words! We can choose to think and speak positively about ourselves, overcoming self-defeating thoughts, and we can teach our teenagers to do the same. 


Don’t miss this encouraging episode, where Jon Acuff discusses:



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