Parenting Great Kids with Dr. Meg Meeker

#107: Pornography and Boys Part 2 (with guest Stephen Arterburn)

Episode Summary

With struggles coming at them from every angle, young boys need all the help from their parents that they can get to avoid temptations. One temptation that all boys face, but that can be extremely destructive, is pornography. That’s why this episode will be so important for parents of young boys since Dr. Meg continues her conversation with Stephen Arterburn. Stephen is the author of the book Every Man’s Battle, and a nationally and internationally known speaker, and he has great advice and warnings about the temptation surrounding young boys, pornography, and how demeaning and objectifying it is toward women. This is an episode that parents of boys cannot afford to miss! Also in this episode, Dr. Meg will give you her points to ponder that you can start using right away and answers questions from a mom about her 6 year old daughter who does a “happy dance” that mom is concerned will turn into OCD and from a mom about her 8 year old son who always wants to sleep with mommy and daddy. If you have a question you want Dr. Meeker to answer in a future episode or on the Meeker Parenting Community page, email them to and listen to see if your question is featured next!

Episode Notes

With struggles coming at them from every angle, young boys need all the help from their parents that they can get to avoid temptations. One temptation that all boys face, but that can be extremely destructive, is pornography. That’s why this episode will be so important for parents of young boys since Dr. Meg continues her conversation with Stephen Arterburn. Stephen is the author of the book Every Man’s Battle, and a nationally and internationally known speaker, and he has great advice and warnings about the temptation surrounding young boys, pornography, and how demeaning and objectifying it is toward women. This is an episode that parents of boys cannot afford to miss! Also in this episode, Dr. Meg will give you her points to ponder that you can start using right away and answers questions from a mom about her 6 year old daughter who does a “happy dance” that mom is concerned will turn into OCD and from a mom about her 8 year old son who always wants to sleep with mommy and daddy. If you have a question you want Dr. Meeker to answer in a future episode or on the Meeker Parenting Community page, email them to and listen to see if your question is featured next!


Dr. Meg introduces the topic “Pornography and Boys: Part 2” along with her guest Stephen Arterburn and teases her points to ponder that you can start using right away.


In today’s episode Dr. Meeker has a powerful conversation with Stephen Arterburn about how pornography affects boys, young and old alike.



In today’s episode Dr. Meeker has a powerful conversation with Stephen Arterburn about how pornography affects boys, young and old alike.


Dr. Meg gives you her points to ponder as you learn more about how to help your boys avoid the pitfalls of pornography.


Email Dr. Meg at or tweet your question to her @MegMeekerMD. In today’s episode, Dr. Meg answers a question from Kathy about her 6 year old daughter who does a “happy dance” that mom is concerned will turn into OCD and from Julie about her 8 year old son who always wants to sleep with mommy and daddy.



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